I was sitting in the Kailua Starbucks several weeks ago sipping my iced soy chai latte, and in walked one of the most radiant pregnant women I have ever seen. Seriously, I couldn’t take my eyes off Z. She was practically glowing. She looked so content, standing next to her husband, who bore a striking resemblance to a young Barack Obama. So like any good photographer does when they see a beautiful subject, I boldly approached the two of them, and asked if they were in need of a maternity photographer. Lucky for me they were.
Shawn is a military JAG (attorney) , which I think sounds so cool to say out loud, try it, “JAG.” He’s been deployed several times already. Z, also an attorney, is a former beauty queen, and now a new mama madly in love with her precious little son. These two know the meaning of enduring love. When I think of them, the lyrics from the Mumford and Sons song, I Will Wait, come to mind.
Raise my hands
Paint my spirit gold
And bow my head
Keep my heart slow‘Cause I will wait, I will wait for you
And I will wait, I will wait for you
And I will wait, I will wait for you
And I will wait, I will wait for you
Z patiently waited and waited for Shawn to come back home to her and he did 🙂 Now they’re celebrating the most heavenly blessing known to man – a sweet, perfect, innocent child. Congratulations you two!
Yesterday, I got to hold a little 10 week old in my arms. I breathed in his sweet baby scent and marveled at how tiny his little socks were. His sleepy eyes and dreaming half-grins reminded me of when my little Ava was a teeny, tiny, lovey, too. Now she is 17 month old toddler. Indeed, life is a grand miracle, but a fast one too. So hold your babies close, breathe in their sweet smell, and kiss every inch of their little, chubby bodies, a thousand times over. I know I will.
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So beautiful!
yo, this spot is pretttyyyyy! 🙂 Love the color of these, gorgeous! And good looking couple too!
Wow….she is definitely the prettiest pregnant woman! I would have approached her too! lol